Monthly Archives: January 2011

Current Books

So many words to keep track of!.

Image via Wikipedia

These are the current books I am reading and if you have been reading my blog you know why I need to edit my material. 🙂


Day 31

Today was a whirlwind of activities that didn’t bring me any closer to where I think I need to be but I’m sure everything will work out and then I will have to say that I was never too far behind nor too far ahead. I was always right where I needed to be. But while I walk in the midst of this whirlwind it doesn’t seem like it.

I didn’t write 700 words but I thought about it all the way to the Ministry of Interior and back again. 🙂 I wasn’t even able to read any of my report writing books (which I purchased last night) which I normally do when I ride in a cab, because I was talking to Alexandra and Andres about the presentation we would be doing in the Vice Minister’s office. The meeting was loooooooong but worst of all it wasn’t as fruitful as we had expected.

(later Alexandra and Andres took me to La bistecca, one of my favorite restaurants in Lima.)

In the evening we attended my good-bye party (Despedida) at Bruce’ house in San Isidro. It was catered and I enjoyed several maracuya sours. Christi and I had a great time. General Miyashiro was there and I really enjoyed seeing him again. No one did anything to write about but I was touched by how many people have become such a part of my life. I am a blessed man. I am humbled.

When we left Christi asked me if I had any regrets and she proceeded to explain her introspection on goodbyes and what she has learned on the meaning of life and the time we spend here on this earth. She expressed how she has come to realize that it isn’t the things we’ve done, or the places we’ve been or the things we have acquired but the time spent invested in others that matter and produce the greatest value. There were many things we could have done with friends or others we knew as acquaintances only.

“I’m going to miss our time here,” She said, “But if we return will we have learned from our time here or will we reenact the errors of the past months?”

Those are impressive words and I hope I will learn from them so that no matter where we eventually land, we will learn from them and invest in others and not be so caught up in “life” in general. We have been called to take the gospel (Good News), after all, not just travel, and pay rent.

Police Magazines and Publications

Printing my articles

Image by the Italian voice via Flickr

Taken from

Police Magazines and Publications

Look for my articles on these publications.

Proverbs for today

Scroll of the Book of Proverbs

Image via Wikipedia

I love wisdom. I seek it out. When I’m around someone who I’ve seen as a wise man I try as hard as I can to stay around him and listen to everything he says. I want to know how he responds to people, how he handles situations, and how he reacts.

But there is a whole book of wisdom from the most wise man there ever was, -Solomon. And of time is spent reading this book every day, this wisdom from above will sprout from you.

This verse points out an interesting principle that is often overlooked. It is the wisdom that would have saved Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. And here it is….

When the wisdom or pressure of Man goes contrary to the wisdom/word/instructions of God it is a snare or a trap.

This principle is stated in various ways throughput Proverbs. Look and you will find them. Apply it to your life and your decisions and you will live a more full and successful life. Proverbs 29:25

Day 28

Hmmm ok let’s see.

I didn’t exersize

I didn’t write 700 words (although the night is young (somewhat))

I did read Proverbs 28

I did read several chapters of a book that I don’t have the liberty to say what it’s called. It takes a principle outlined in the Word of God and makes it plain. It applies the principle to every day affairs and directs the reader in how to apply it in their lives. It is well written but would challenge the thoughts or accepted understanding of who we are today. I believe that more attention would be drawn to this shocking new way of thinking that the principle would be lost in the strife and arguments it would ensue.

(But I must say, that I would like to write books like this one which take Biblical principles and presents them free of religious jargon, and applicable to our lives. But not today. 🙂 )

Let’s remember what the resolution stated…..

Here is my list from Day 3. It’s good to remember:

  1. Read a chapter a day of a book
  2. Write a minimum of 700 words a day in my personal books (Novels, Short stories, Personal development)
  3. Start the day with the Word (i.e. putting it first place)
  4. Dare to live in the Supernatural
  5. Teach once a month
  6. Develop at least one sermon per month
  7. Write my progress on-line in the form of a blog
  8. Develop a group that will design and program my iPhone app ideas
  9. Develop and submit one iPhone app idea per month
  10. Have a family Bible study hour once a week
  11. Reducing my body weight to 180 pounds (this means losing 20)
  12. Achieving my weight goal by March and keeping it off for the rest of the year.
  13. Exercise everyday
  14. Call my sister and brother once a week

Some of these things I need to add a start date to. Without that I won’t be able to accomplish them. And another things that i want to add to the list… Get Published.

I’ll be thinking what it is that I should publish in the next few days. And what I should write. My plan will be to submit articles to several blogs and then traditionally published magazines and periodicals.

Day 27

And What shall I Write

Image by tomswift46 (No Groups with Comments) via Flickr

Yes, it’s the 27th day after the New Year’s celebration. I wonder how many people even remember the resolutions they wrote a month ago.  This is a great time to reflect not only on the power of writing things down but of placing them in front of our eyes.

God tells Habakkuk in the second chapter “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.”

Those are some instruction there for success.

  1. Write down the revelation
  2. Make it plain on tablets
  3. To run with it

How many time have you had a great idea, or a revelation and because you didn’t write it down you are left with a faint memory of it and the thought running through your head. “I had an awesome idea…but it’s gone now.”

This has happened to me. That I write it down but I’m so excited about it that I write and write and overly describe it and fill it with the how and why and before I know it, it’s an essay. There is a time and place for this detailed work but it isn’t at the beginning. At the beginning we need to make it clear. Make it Simple. I have found that it should be only a few lines. This is the VISION, later you can fill in the details.

The last is the most interesting part of the verse. “Run with it.”. Ask yourself if the Vision you have written can be run with. And if it can, is it in a place or written in such a way that you can keep it in front of your eyes while you run. Running can actually mean the physical act of moving forward by using your legs and it can mean to act on the vision immediately and quickly.

The order of this list is important too. We can’t start running before we write it down and we can’t run until it is clear what we are supposed to be doing.

Napoleon Hill perceived this principle and called it “A Definite Chief Aim”. This principle can be applied to all the revelations and “good” ideas we have received.

Only by following these steps will the hopeful practitioner of New Year’s Resolutions succeed.

Day 26

Sleepy Sunday

Image by Dan Morelle via Flickr

It’s confirmed. I can’t wait until the end of the day to write.

Holmes on Homes is on HGTV and my eyelids feel like they were made of lead. aaagh. I have to hit the bed. I can’t stay awake.

Day 25

A plate of "alambre", a mexican cuis...

Image via Wikipedia

It’s 10:26 at night and Christi is in bed with Bella, while I am sitting on the couch writing on the blog waiting for Jordan to return from his friend’s Raul’s house where he had Mexican food and went to see the movie Ghost Writer.

The house is practically empty and most definitly quiet. It seems quieter that in the morning when I sit at the table waiting for the rest of the family to wake up. -Strange- I seem to be the last one to bed and the frst one up. (I wonder why.)

In any case, I feel completely at ease. I feel at peace with God and with my life. To be perfectly candid I must admit that I am actually excited about the prospects and activity that is surrounding me. This is a little odd since there is a lot of things going on right now, and if I were to be watching my life as it is right now on the silver screen I would be nervous for the protagonist. But I would also be excited for him because I would know that all these things generating a whirlwind around him only means a great and more rich story from which the protagonist will emerge a greater hero.

This unexplained peace and calm became more clear this evening as I went to the Kitchen to make some popcorn for my daughter as she watched the movie “Guardians of Ga’Hoole” on blu ray in the den. A thought tried to settle inside my heart. It sprouted when I looked at the cupboard and I saw how stocked we were and how full our refrigerator was and a question rose up from somewhere and asked me. “Aren’t you going to the States in a week?” for a brief instant the thought of not being prepared or not knowing where I will be in the next few weeks or months seemed to rush at me and at the same time I could “see” how I was well ensconced in my Faith with God that there wasn’t anything that was going to shake it. I knew without a doubt that God had us right where He wanted us and was in the process of taking Good care of us. And the thought dissipated like a wave on the sand, drawing back and sinking beneath the surface leaving only a faint hint of its existence, a faint memory.

These thoughts have attempted to land some sort of beachfront in my heart or in my mind and I am happy to say that none have been able to. I have kept my mind, my heart, and my eyes on God. He is the author and the finisher of my faith and it is inHim that I find purpose and have a marvelous future.

These words were once things I would say in church as I waved my bible over my head and repeated after the pastor but lately they have gained new meaning and a stronger foundation. They seem 3-dimentional in a way. More real. Not that they weren’t real when I said them before but lately they have more meaning.

Perhaps it is only now, that I have really stopped and listened to what I was confessing or maybe it is because in the face of uncertainty the only thing that is certain is the WORD. The Word of God.

I must say t is the later. It is that Word of God that is never changing. And in this situation in which no one outside of God knows “for sure” what will be happening, I have a confidence that is undeniable and in the eyes of those around me strange and perhaps a bit looney too.

Thank God for it.

I would encourage all those who read this and are being battered by the waves of life and your tomorrow seems unsure and constantly changing to put your eyes on the horizon. When boats cant seem to be still the best remedy for seasickness is to look at the horizon for it is still and unmoving. It gives you a bearing. As we walk through life we can get all caught up in ourselves and in our work, or life, or family etc and this will (without a doubt) make you seasick. It will give you ulcers, IBS, diarrhea, headaches, and a ton of other stuff that doesn’t really rear it’s head up right away. But if you will find solid ground and step on it, or simply keep your eyes on it you will get your footing and be able to stand against the storms of life.

The only thing that is stable and based in Love is the Word of God. Seek it out, Find it, put it in your heart and keep it between your eyes.

Day 24


Image by zagor64 via Flickr

Embarrassingly nothing done.

Day 23

Banana on Pancake

Image via Wikipedia


Sundays are just difficult to write or get anything done for me personally. Weekends are hard anyway but I have much better success with Saturdays that with Sundays. On Saturday I can wake up early and dedicate my time to writing, reading and answering emails. The family takes their time wakig up on Saterday and I can get a lot done early in the morinign.

On Sundays we are get up with a plan to get to church and we all get up right about the same time and work quickly to get ready. On Sunday’s Christi cooks breakfast and that is a treat for us all. I enjoy her pancakes, but breakfast runs into church which runs into lunch with runs into a very fulfilling nap which ends up with TV, and me tucking Bella in bed while falling asleep with her tucked beneath my arm.

All that is to say that I did absolutely nothing towards getting my resolution done. I think that resolutions lists should have clauses that help identify really difficult days and allow the writer leeway on those days. What about 3 days a month the writer can use at will to cover any days they can’t complete the their daily activity. This, of course, would have to be included in the resolution as a clause…..and now its starting to look like a contract with ones self. Hmmmm

See you tomorrow.